This function generates the design matrix for an item
designmatrix(Kj = NULL, model = "GDINA", Qj = NULL, no.bugs = 0)
Required except for the MS-DINA model; The number of attributes required for item j
the model associated with the design matrix; It can be "GDINA","DINA","DINO", "ACDM","LLM", "RRUM", "MSDINA", "BUGDINO", and "SISM". The default is "GDINA". Note that models "LLM" and "RRUM" have the same design matrix as the "ACDM".
the Q-matrix for item j; This is required for "MSDINA", and "SISM" models; The number of rows is equal to the number of strategies for "MSDINA", and the number of columns is equal to the number of attributes.
the number of bugs (or misconceptions). Note that bugs must be given in the last no.bugs columns.
a design matrix (Mj). See de la Torre (2011) for details.
de la Torre, J. (2011). The generalized DINA model framework. Psychometrika, 76, 179-199.